Hoyo Home

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I connect to my tablet?
  2. Can there be more than one phone connected to my Hoyo Home?
    • Yes, it needs to go through the steps explained in question 1
  3. The lights in my home are not working?
    • Please try to check manually from the light switch if the light is working since it may not be a technical issue, if the light bulb is working but won't turn on remotely, please try restarting the tablet and wait a couple of minutes for the system to reboot. If you are still facing the same issue send us an email at support@hoyo.tech or call 072-212-866.
  4. Tablet is not responding to my commands, how do I resolve this?
    • First step is always to refresh the home screen by tapping on the Hoyo Home button in the top left corner, second step would be to restart the tablet.
  5. I still have the same issues after restarting the tablet.
    • Please feel free to contact us at support@hoyo.tech or give us a call at 072-212-866.
  6. Can I add and sync Alexa/Siri with my smart home?
    • Please reach out to us via phone or email to set this up.
  7. Is there a warranty available for my smart home system?
    • Yes, you have 2 years of warranty.
  8. Is there a dark mode option available?
    • Not at this point but it is planned to be integrated in a near future update.
  9. Will my smart home work if there is no internet connection?
    • You will have to wait for the internet to be restored before you continue using it.
  10. What happens if there is a power outage? Will my smart home system still function after it?
    • Please wait for the power to be back on, once it is the system will start up automatically and start working after 5-10 minutes. If that doesn’t happen please reach out to us.